Monday, October 29, 2018

Live The Dream

A beautiful, serenity and many more that can be translated. Out of words. Nothing compares. We just can only hope that this beauty will never be disturbed again.

Together we keep this heritage. Enjoy the beauty not to spoiled it.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sharing Is Caring

We love our native heritage eco-system. Close to nature approach's is our aim to share with the peoples with damaging it.

We utilized resources  in our vicinity. We want people to enjoy the environment and keep it as golden experience.
We provide affordable and enjoyable package to suit your time. From chalets, dorms, tents to home-stay we ensure the wonderful experiences to come.
We will always upgrading selection of activities for an additional thrill.

Come and enjoy your adventure while you can.

Image may contain: Mohd Idrus, smiling, outdoor, nature and water

Friday, October 26, 2018

Kembara Keindahan Alam Semulajadi Hulu Selama

Mukim Hulu Selama terletak di dalam Daerah Selama Perak. Bersempadan dengan negeri Kedah. Terdiri dari beberapa kampung tradisional Melayu.

Keindahan persekitaran semulajadi terpelihara dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan liar hijau, aliran air yang jernih dan gaya hidup tradisional masyarakat tempatan menjadikan satu pengalaman yang indah untuk diterokai.

Banyak tempat yang menarik yang memberikan kelegaan dan kembaraan yang indah. Air sungainya yang sejuk dan menyegarkan tubuh dan jiwa. Malam yang tenang dan sejuk adalah apa yang sentiasa diimpikan oleh kebanyakkan orang.

Datanglah menikmati keindahan semulajadi yang terpelihara. Kami akan menyediakan package yang menarik untuk memberikan kenangan indah sepanjang anda disini.  
Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor, nature and water
Lata Damak
Image may contain: outdoor

Hulu Selama Adventure and Nature

Hulu Selama situated in District of Selama Perak. Bordering with Kedah. Consist of several Malay traditional village. 
The natural beauty of environment is well preserved with green wild vegetation, pristine water stream and traditional life style of the people is a must to experience and explore.

Many attractive spot that give relaxations and adventure. Its cold river gave a refreshing to body and soul. Quiet and cool night is what most people thirst for. 
Image may contain: outdoor
Come and enjoy the untapped and untouched nature’s beauty. We offer great package to fill your length of stay.  A great experiences waiting. It’s a back to nature. 
Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor, nature and water
Lata Damak

Image may contain: Mohd Idrus, smiling, outdoor, nature and water